Friday, November 30, 2012

First post!

Hello, and welcome to my Blog!

I thought I'd start this blog with a post introducing myself, and talking about what I'm hoping to use this blog for.

So, about me: I'm a norwegian 3D-artist currently employed at Krillbite Studio, where we're currently working on the game "Among the Sleep". The interest for working with 3D came to me not too long ago, when I started my bachelor in game design in 2008. Prior to that I had really no experience with 3D-modelling at all, and music was pretty much what kept me occupied in most of my spare time. I've played the guitar since I was 14 years old, and my plan when starting my bachelor was actually to become a soundguy. (And maybe get together an awesome band on the side!) Due to being intrigued by the classes we had in 3D however, I chose to specialize in 3D-modelling and animation instead. Since then I've tried to soak up everything I can in the field of 3D!

Though only recently gaining an interest on the technical aspects of games, I've been an avid gamer since I was a little kid. I'm a great fan of the RPG genre, and the Elder scrolls series in particular. (I'm one of those nostalgic saps that will gladly cry "No elder scrolls game will ever live up to Morrowind again!!".) Though I like games of all genre, the game that is occupying most of my time now is Dark Souls, another great RPG!

But enough about me!

In this blog I will try to write about my experiences in Krillbite, everything I've had to learn when being flung into the game industry (that still feels weird to write, am I really in the game industry?), and also all the hardships and also happy moments we've already had and probably will have to endure/enjoy in the future. I will also try and write some posts with tips I've picked up on making game assets and working in a group.

So if you're the same boat as me, being new to making games, or you have a dream of one day making games, let me know if there's anything you want me to write about and I'll see what I can share of what I've learned so far! In my next post I'm planning to write a little about making modular assets for games, and some of the tips and tricks I've learned so far.

Happy gaming!
